How to Clone a VM – Oracle VM Virtual Box

Cloning a virtual machine means making a copy of it, so that you can create multiple virtual machines or templates from the original.

We already created a VM and Installed MySQL 8.0 on the VM (MySQL-Master). Instead of creating another VM and install MySQL we can simply clone the existing VM which will allow you to have copy of MySQL-Master which have MySQL also installed in it.

Only Configuration you have to change is IP address of the Cloned Machine as the clone will create VM with same IP Address.

Main VM Machine – MySQL-Master
Cloned Vm Machine – MySQL-Slave

Step 1: Shutdown MySQL-Master VM Machine

Step 2: Click “Clone” on MySQL-Master VM Machine

Step 3: Update the Name of Cloned Machine “MySQL-Slave”

Step 4: Choose the Clone Machine State – Everything

Step 5: Choose the Clone Type – Full

Step 6: Complete – Will clone the machine and create a New VM Machine

Step 7: Update the Network Address to avoid conflict.

Yes!!!. New Cloned VM is ready for use

How to create VM from VDI(Virtual Disk Image) file

We can import appliance (virtual machine) from .ova files.

There are many OS images availabile with VDI(Virtual Disk Image) format

To create a virtual machine you need do the below steps.
1. Open Oracle VM virtualBox Manager

2. Click on Machine => New
Create Virtual Machine screen will appear

2.1 Name and Operating System
Now you will be able to see the “Create Virtual Machine” screen
Name :
Type :

Name – It is your VM name
Type – Select the OS Type of your VDI image appropriately. Windows, Linux.. Etc
Version – Select the OS Version

Name : UbuntuVM01
Type : Luinux
Version: Ubuntu 64Bit
2.2 Memory Size
Select the Memory size
2.3 Hard Disk
select “Use an existing virtual hard Disk file”
Select the location where you have VDI.
Now virtual machine will be ready for use.

How to Oracle VMBox VMs access from your local network

How to Oracle VMBox VMs access from your local network:

VM created in Oracle VMBox can not be accessed from your local network. It is because the virtual machine created under VM will have their own sub netmask something like 10.2.0.x

Your home computer network will be in different network segments then you will not be able to access directly from your computer using ssh/telnet. In order to access that you can add VM box machine also into your network

To add the VMBox machine into your local network. You should add an another virtual network adapter in VM and bridge it to your home computer network

1. Open Oracle VM Box
2. Right click on VM
3. Select Settings.
4. choose Network
5. Now you can see only Adapter 1 is checked.
6. Click on Adapter 2 Tab. Check Enable Network Adapter.
7. Attached to : choose Bridge Network from Drop Down
8. Name : choose your home computer Network Adapter
9. Press OK to save

Now Start the virtual machine and you can see two adapters enabled and IP assigned. First adapter with VMBox network segment and Second adapter with your home computer network IP like below.

If you want to see how it can be I created a video and posted in You Tube subscribe and watch it
